However I believe that so far all which is written can be used without too much problemo. If you see any glaring mistakes write them to me & I will make the necessary correction. Thanks.
You have to learn to track a man or beast on all terrain and conditions by loads of practices.
For ex. The fire ashes are very instructive, are they warm or cold, by checking the left over you will be able to tell what someone ate and their abundance or not.
Once a good tracker has found fresh tracks he will generally avoid to follow it step by step since a tracked animal or man usually looks behind to see if he is followed.
The hunter advance by 1/2 circles and if he finds the track where he thinks it will be then he makes a longer 1/2 circle until he finds nothing.
Then he knows he has overridden its prey which he then proceeds in targeting by using smaller circles till he reaches the prey.
In places where the tracks appear difficult to read for ex on hard ground, or grass, note the direction of the last visible foot steps then look in the same direction they seem to lean to further ahead about 15-25 meters.
You will usually note the grass being trampled or broken, and on hard ground some stones having been moved or scratched.
Those small signs seen on the same direction line will give a good bearing of the direction taken, which you would not have seen by any other way. Project ahead what you think the prey has done from the last visible tracks.
It is also very important to put yourself #a contre jour# when tracking a difficult trail, then the smallest terrain depression project their shadow.
1) Study the imprint carefully, fix all details in your mind and if need be write them down, sketch it, measure it, not only the step but the distance between them as well. So that if you run into other tracks that cross yours, you still find it back.
2) Look your track # a contre jour.# If the sun shines on the track the outline #contour# of each one will come out a bit shady.
If your turn your back to the sun, these shadows will become invisible but if you place yourself in front of the sun these shadows will be clearly outlined.
Even if the track forces you to follow it with the sun in the back, you just turn around from time to time to see the track with the help of the sun.
3) Take a scenery sight. You MUST not follow a track like a dog your nose in the ground, look ahead and see the trail and where it is leading to.
You can follow a track even when you don't see footprint, for ex. In the grass the whole of the track will be marked clearly because the trampled grass reflects the sun differently and appears of a different color.
Even in the bushes, some leaves will have been upturned, branches ruffled, twigs broken etc.
4) Put yourself in the shoes of your prey. Ask yourself, if you had to go through here, in those conditions, what would I have done?
5) Look in circle. If the trail gets lost, plant a stick, rock etc. Then make a circle around the last imprint, if no clues, then make another bigger circle.
If you are loosing a track here is what to do to find it back. Place your stick or object beside the last noticeable track then make a wide circle about 30, 50 even 100 meters from this last pin point choosing the most favorable terrain which could give you clues about the next track direction.
If you are in a group patrol then use only one or 2 trackers so that the others don't foul the tracks with their own steps. Too many cooks spoil the sauce.
Use your common sense??? By asking yourself what direction has the prey taken then go and check it out.
Check the ground carefully, as well as the bushes or plants nearby, to see if they are broken or could even carry some tell tale hair or piece of cloth, mud etc.
Some like to use also the stick method; which is to use the signs of a good track and regulating exactly your steps to the imprint.
You walk aside of the trail imprint and hit the ground with the stick where the imprints are made.
When the imprints disappear on hard ground or sand one continues to hit the ground where the imprints would have been.
And from time to time you will notice some slight #depression# or whatever marks which will tell you that the prey when that way.
If you want to observe wild life you MUST learn how to crawl close to them without them seeing you nor smell or feel your presence.
A hunter as a military scout on guard or checking the enemy MUST stay well hidden thus the use of camouflage.
Often also in town he has the habit of stopping in front of store windows so as to check who is behind him.
So once you trail someone don't stand in front of him but just give occasional glance to get the general picture.
If you want to know more about the person, stay behind him.
Surprisingly there is as much to learn from behind one than in front of him unless he also has taken scout's lessons and frequently looks behind him to see if he is followed.
The right way to look behind you is to turn only your head, the bad way is to turn all your body, yet few people know this.
Think of walking slowly with a light foot and in silence, to avoid walking on dead leaves, branches and rocks or whatever could make noise to crack, listen as well as you see, speed is not the essence.
One trick to follow someone if you are alone is to carry a bag in which you can put different hats, even a wig to change your shape.
Most people fail to notice a man with a shopping bag, thinking he is one of the local who just comes from shopping. You can also put a different jacket or sweater or hat to change your appearance.
Don't forget if you are to stand still for a long time waiting for someone which you are trailing; to have a tall empty plastic bottle which is very useful to take a piss unnoticed.
If you are 2 to follow a trail then one stand on one side of the street the other behind the trail.
One also MUST REMEMBER the background, trees or buildings behind them or in front of them & the color of their clothing.
If the prey looks their way they MAKE SURE to stay absolutely immobile all the time that the prey looks in their direction.
Hoping that he will see nothing suspicious and often even in wide open area, someone can often fail to be noticed because he does not move.
The prey can suffer from bad sights or have a cold & can not smell. So do consider the color of your clothing so as to blend it to the background.
If you are in khaki don't stand in front of a white wall or a tree with dark foliage but choose a background with sand or dry grass or rock and then don't move, even at small distance the enemy will have a hard time spotting you.
So, BEWARE of your clothing color & the background. So that you don't stand up like a sore thumb in the scenery.
If you wear dark clothes stick in a dark place or shadow from trees or boulders MAKING SURE that your background is dark as well.
When using hills as observation post MAKE SURE not to override the horizon line which will make you a sitting duck. Greenhorns usually do this error and get caught also by moving too fast or a lot.
When you want to see behind a big stone; don't look over it but try to see from the side of it, use its shadow to cover you better. Crawl to the top of the hill, raise your head VERY SLOWLY!
If you see something then keep on looking without moving your head, the enemy or prey may confound you for a rock or stump, especially if you have taken the precaution of using some camouflage tricks.
Like grass and twigs, using a string put some of them up and some downward, smear some ashes on your face to break the smooth white pattern.
Check for your hands, face (nose, high cheek bones, shin and ear lobes) and MAKE SURE they are camouflaged, check anything shiny.
Nothing captures more the attention than regular lines, this is what you MUST break or alter using what is in the area, just breaking or altering the lines is sufficient, don't become a walking bush.
Also check your shadow which could betray you. Then once your observation made, lower your head again very slowly!
Sudden movement will attract attention even from afar. Very slowly! You MUST make use of all shelters and hide out that the terrain offers you, small brushes or shrubs, small trench, shadows etc. The safest road is rarely in straight line.
AVOID AS DEADLY SUNNY SPOT since the sun makes everything shine or highlights your moves.
We notice easily any movement even from the corner of our eyes so does the prey, instead a scout leaning against a tree close to the bush can be perfectly invisible if he does not move, but if he does one sudden move he will be seen.
If you have to move, do it very slowly, very, very slowly. Stay Immobile then move in slow motion.
So whatever you do, if your senses reveal you an enemy or prey, rather than fleeing or to try to hide, just FREEZE on the spot and whatever position you're in, even one foot or arm in the air; FREEZE AS STATUE!
REMEMBER that the wind carries your odor but also the noise, so silence is needed, make as little as possible, no rock concert.
When you walk in grass or leaves put slowly and lightly your heel then your toes.
When walking on hard or stony ground put your toes first then lower SLOWLY your heel.
In both cases keep your balance with the foot behind till the forefoot is ready to carry you. Raise your feet high so as to avoid to hit the stones or break branches.
Stalking is also a matter of discipline and the nature of the terrain and operation will tell you if it is better to walk in single file, horizontally, arrow-head or in small group (4 best?).
The ESSENTIAL is to keep contact and to REMEMBER an easy signal code which MUST be in total silence using your hand or arm.
In case of halt, assure a circular protection so that if you are in Indian file, the first man will lay down with its head straight ahead and the last man checks the rear and the in-between checking the right and left alternatively 1/2 right/ left 3/4 left/ right. But ALWAYS with an eye on the chief at the front. This applies all time!
For the beginners all bare feet are equal yet not true for experts. Here is how the Indian police work, this can also be used in Egypt of south-Africa where there are a lot of people going barefoot.
Measure the foot track, draw a line from the big toe to the small toe and note the exact position of the other toe in so far as that line.
Once you find foot prints compare them with your drawing. All people differ by the position of their big toes
So if you add all the information of the size of the foot, its length step and other characteristics you get a good picture if he was walking with his foot going inside, outside.
Using his heel and how deeply and you can tell often if the man was citizen or country folk, tall or small by the length of the step, heavy or light according to the depth of the track, if he was running or walking.
A running man only leaves toe print and usually deeply marked in the ground. The distance separating the left and right foot permits to guess the width of the belt or hips thus to determine his height, size and weight.
Extremely tiring, the way to do this is to practice a sort of frog like crawl, the body and members flat on the ground and the head leaning on the cheek.
You move forward using one leg and the arms without lifting elbows or knees, and letting the other leg dragging watch for your feet which MUST lay flat inside as if broken.
You also need to rest a lot since it is very tiring but also to have time to listen well, to see and especially to get back your nerves. #retablir equilibre nerveux necessaires# .
The stomach and chest MUST skim the ground as much as possible, so the legs and arms have to work horizontally as much as you can.
The shoulders and hip rotation MUST be kept at minimum and at no time MUST the hips rise higher than the head. The head will rise slowly to check quickly the direction and attitude of the prey.
When there are many who crawl in the same direction, only one is in charge of the observation which is the chief ahead. Otherwise this bopping up & down of many heads will kill the operation. Bebop!
When the tracker or crawler thinks he has been seen, he MUST stay immobile, (Freeze) for several minutes, without moving at all.
Other noise around could switch the attention of the prey. This hope is permitted and often works if you FREEZE.
Wild life and scientist have proven that there is such a thing as Protective Immobilization. Rabbits, bees, partridges etc. do it all the time if they feel danger.
Use all the terrain accidents to help you, and study carefully the ground ahead, moving away a stone, spreading without noise some branches, cutting away what might need be, to cut down noise.
Speed is nothing to the stalker time does not count. 1 meter per minute is at time a good speed.
One note via stalking shoes; when possible use light flexible moccasin since you can feel the ground & the #tactile sense of the sole# and toes is easy to awaken. It is learned quickly and will give tremendous help especially at night.
However we feel that a good training for a stalker can not be done alone especially in crawling, so use a friend and compete.
REMEMBER when tracking someone that if he or they carry something heavy their tracks will be deep, and if they carry something very heavy their trail will be sinuous.
American Indians have an excellent method to listen while stalking a trail they open their mouth widely. This extend the eardrum thus permitting to hear better
It is a notion that most who have not tried the experience have failed to notice which is the absorption faculty of a supposedly flat terrain. I recall an experience made with a group of 5 patrols.
The V.I.P was brought up to an open field by a road know ahead and at a fixed location where he could believe easily to be alone with the chief, not a bush in sight.
At the blow of a whistle the 5 patrols appeared in sight, at a distance so short that they literally appeared coming from the ground.
A few negligible depressions had been enough to hide them barely and no heads had showed up. An excellent exercise consists of training with a friend.
You will thus learn that a hollow or cavity hardly visible can swallow a man laying down totally and subtract it from an observatory standing at 80 meters, sitting at 40 meters and laying at 20 meters. Most country lands are # 1 vanishing partners.
So REMEMBER NEVER to raise your head above a bush or rock, fallen tree, etc. without first asking this question;
In short the sky and the sun are 2 main enemies for the stalker.
The first tells of your smallest moves and Chinese shadows. The second tells your shadow and its spot lights your actions. A dark cloudy day or with a lot of shadow is the best time.
While stalking beware of the stooges, birds and 4 legs ones. A blackbird can suddenly fly off its own accord, 2 also although this is a bit suspicious!
But that a Blackbird, a Jay, a Finch all take off at the same time and from about the same point this is serious and tells you the danger point where something hides.
Beware of the bushes where you don't hear any bird noise they are not there because someone is already there to scare them away.
Magpie fear man and give precious indications. REMEMBER the enemy or the prey also watches those birds to give them forewarning. Checking for barking dog is fine but check also for the BIRDS.
Here is a true wartime experience to prove this important point.
"At about the center of our sector and about 2km behind our watching line was 2 high towers from an old Abbey.
The enemy had punch many holes in it and we were using it as an artillery observation post. But as soon as watchers were sent to do their jobs the shells would rain all around and some time on target.
Whereas soon as the observatory was deserted not one shell would fall around. Here was a mystery to investigate, and so we did by interrogating people around yet without any result.
Only 3 months later was the mystery unraveled, from a load of prisoners there was an artillery feld-webel which was caught and since the mystery of the Towers was still raging, the question was asked first gently then with a bit of pressure he finally told us.
It was simple enough, they had the order to check 3 or 4 couple of crow birds which were living in the mystery towers. When the birds were resting on #corniches ou les abats-sons# we let them in peace.
But as soon as they would fly around the towers we would conclude that someone had disturbed them and we would phone our batteries.
The morning after without fail, the crows were buried RIP and finally our observers could work in peace for ESSENTIAL data."
You can use the stream to wade in for a while and make the stalker loose your track hopefully!
If you are 2 men, the one behind does the sweeping to hide the track. Pepper on the ground will get rid of the dogs for a while.
Here is an old trick used by Indians who would walk in a single file not only to stop the blubbering or to protect themselves but especially to superpose and override their tracks thus preventing the trackers to evaluate correctly their numbers.
When a hundred pairs of moccasins had trampled a trail of 20cm wide. It was difficult to know the number of warriors if it was inferior to 30 or superior to 500.
Much dust raised does not mean there are much of a crowd, if you want to attract the enemy attention you tie some branches behind a truck or horse and let it drag!
All that dust will imitate a large troop moving whereas there is only a few. (Israelis used this trick successfully in 1967 War!)
A bicycle direction can be found when you observe the slight detour. The most pointed angle indicates the direction. For a car the dust or the mud form on each sides a series of small waves in a shape of barbed feathers which indicate the direction taken and if the car has overrun a stone or a bump it shows a characteristic flattening.
Hard grounds don't keep tracks but it often happens that the foot of the walker will remove a small pebble that previous pressure had half way driven in the ground.
Thus you will discover close by a hole which will mold this stone perfectly, this hole will also be darker because of humidity. (We talk here of fresh tracks!)
So have a sharp? eye to mineral fragments, stones etc. small or big especially if they appear to have been removed.
Give some attention to scraps of wood slightly flatten or bruised, check the appearance of the ground under it, check the berries or leaves fallen out of seasons and of which some may reveal to have been crushed by sole.
When a stone is removed or turned upside down, examine the grass that it covers and its state might give you some indications of the time it was done.
Young grass will straighten up faster when green and in abundance but tall grass will be easier to check using the method of the shadow projection discussed above.
There are 2 kinds of investigations, social or technique. In the Social you try to know and to understand the people and the crazies living in an area.
Their way of living, uses and customs their traditions, hang up, fears and hopes, the history of their land.
Why they do this or say that in general their behavior often strange for Spock or Scottie, they are all crazies at times.
The technical one applies to a precise subject to get as much information from all possible sources even darker ones behind the scene and even the skeletons behind the walls.
Sherlock Holmes MUST NEVER assume anything. Check and double, triple check Holmes Jr. Use your "IMAGES-IN-NATION" but coldly isolate the evidences. Here are some suggestions for the social investigation.
1) When was the village founded by whom (the People)
2) Why did the village started there (flat tire?) (Fell in Love?)
3) Why have they chosen that name for
the place (The Pits?)
4) What are the great events of the village history?
5) Names of famous born or lived in persons (Joe Who?)
6) Principal interesting sites (Dump! and Mayor's john, cat house?)
7) Style of the Church and type of material and history.
8) Are there any traditions or legends (Captain Brion, Crusoe? Tarzan & Jane)
1) Which groups run the village (Mafia, Etc.)
2)Who are the religious and civic authorities?
3) Are there any fire hall and police services at Donut shop .
4) Are there regional and parish organizations.
5) Means of transport (ass & feet) and communications (tamtam?)
6) Type and frequency of popular feast (Saturday night fevers?)
7) What people do for leisure & relax.
(Get drunk..Stone?)
1) General aspect of the region. #Accidents du terrain#
2) Type of farming and cattle raising, is the soil composition a reason for this particular choice.
3) Will the crop be good or bad this year and why?
4) Type & nature of surrounding woods, and their usages.
5) Type of industries & pollution control if any.
1) What is the people main work occupation, winter and summer 2) Number of birth, death, marriage last year, specific reasons / 3) Are family big or small, old or young? / 4) Immigrations & immigrations and why? / 5) Are folks influenced by town nearby and in what way
6) How are they coping with the rat race.
7) Cost and level of life 8) Is the parish divided in clans and groups ethnic 9) Are people interested in bullshit or politics.
10) What do they read, type of newspaper, bring copies local .
11) Is there a particular trade, craftwork or art attraction / 12) Is there a particular regional language?
13) Particular dish or meal or drinks of the area
14) How are the folks dressed. (Funny? Weird, straight, Normal?) 15) Are you in jail or out!
Imagine you choose to study flood gates, canals.
1)What is their reasons 2) What type of material are they built of. / 3) How do they operate, high or low level of# denivellation#
4) What is their dimensions and sizes and shapes 5) Are they open all year?
6)How many ships cross it each year, their #tonnage#, size and type of ships, cargo type and nationalities they use and their crew.
7)Who can give you best information & why Colombo?
It requires 2 basic qualities: Observation and Tact.
Prepare your questions ahead by well observing first. Sometimes asking direct questions on specific details turn people off so start by making contact on more general issues or characteristics.
Start talking about a subject which appears of interest or pride to them. Discuss with many so as to get a complete picture and don't forget to write it down. Don't rely on your memory, be smart and write.
Using your notes and fresh memory? You write down the facts in 2 parts a; report of your trip b; report of your investigation.
Include in it the topo map enlarged along with any additional modifications or instructions observed.
Then you add all the observations while traveling. EX: Wood and forest, thickness, nature of plants and trees. Field and prairies, surface, crop, appearance. Rivers and streams, width, depth, direction, speed, bridges, canals etc.
Geology; type and nature of terrain, relief etc. Roads & trails their type, conditions, state of repair & maintenance, towns nearby.
Towns crossed, importance, location, commerce, industries. Persons met their general behavior & other information on them.
1)Tracking scout in forest for 1/2 mile without being spotted. / 2) Facing 3 colored signals each meaning a move or action accomplished instantly and correctly 8 of the 10 move needed.
3) Kim test: give memory of 18 from 24 objects seen in 1 minute. / 4) Give detail plan of a new place, location seen for 15 minutes.
5) Make a camouflage costume and approach a first class scout without being spotted.
6)Be a referee for a game in a satisfactory manner.
7) Placing yourself at crossroad or street corner and spot all traffic violation committed in 1/2 hour.
8) Follow a natural man or animal track for 1/2 mile. 9) Find the width of a river, & height of a building.
10) Find the correct space between 10 different objects. 11)Measure heights with a tick with less than 10% error / 12) Give 9 Weather predictions using natural tell tale signs.
13) Draw a path 1/2 mile in wood using conventional signs. / 14) Find the weight of 10 usual objects with less 25% errors.
15) Find capacity of 10 usual containers with less 25% errors / 16) Learn to follow a track in all terrain and conditions.
17) Go in a new room or place, stay 30 sec. then come out and describe all that you have seen in writing.
1) Using a ground sheet only make 5 different shelters. 2) Locate the best place for 10 different camp site and why?
3) Built 5 different shelters in 4 seasons.
4) Light a fire using no paper & erase all traces.
5) Light 10 fires using no matches / 6) Cook 3 meals using no canteen. / 7) Find the material and built a fire at night. / 8) Smoke 10 lbs of fish or meat.
9) Make water safe to drink in 3 different ways.
10) Establish camp for 3 days in satisfactory manner. / 11) Find soft water and purify it in 5 different spots.
1) Identify on land the maps signs and on the map the particular points to come across, to avoid or to follow and why.
2) Explain the difference between geographic and magnetic north. / 3) Find the cardinal points on the map and on the land.
4) Orient map using the compass./ 5) Orient map using the natural surrounding high light points.
6) After having given your location on the map, give the #azimuth# of an invisible object from your location, then go to this goal and come back giving the proper #azimuth#
7) Trace a path of 2 miles on the map, follow it and come back using a different path from a third point (triangulation).
8) Draw a sketch of a particular site seen while traveling.
Using Morse code send and receive using whistle or light or flag, messages at 4 words per minute speed; 20 letters numbers or signs with maximum error of 10%.
1) Stop arterial blood flow at compression points. 2) Stop arterial blood using a garrote.
3) To know how to diagnose and treat shock.
4) Able to give artificial breathing mouth to mouth and CPR./ 5) Able to take your temperature and to know normal and danger.
6) Take someone's pulse for 1 minute.
7) Give first aid in the following conditions: cut to hand-feet burn, blister, frostbite, indigestion, bee sting, fainting, sprain.
8) Stop arm blood flow by compressing #humeral artery# with finger.
9) Make sterile dressing and fix it with gauze on wounds to: head, elbow joint, knee cap, foot and hand. / 10) Put an arm in sling in case of wounds not fractures.
11) Able to fix splint for leg or arm broken. 12) In group transport a scout on a stretcher, climbing up and down a stair or a hill, carry it for 1/2 mile in difficult terrain.
1) To know and how to use knots: escape knot, fisherman knot, weaver knot, anchoring knot using #demi clef#, + 3 other knots.
2) Know how to sharpen knife and axe. / 3) Able to put an edge# coin# to fix hammer or axe handle.
This is an old game to develop your observation power;
Have someone to put on a tray or table or ground 20 or 30 objects which is covered up, then he discovers these objects for your display during 1 minute then it is covered up again.
It is now up to you to tell or to write all that you can REMEMBER, then you do it for him while changing the objects.
The winner Remembers most of it all. For the gamblers you can bet $1.00 per object forgotten
or remembered.
1) Having proved his skill, visual accuracy, attention skills in the observation and tracking test.
2) To spot blindfolded the approach of a scout walking carefully in underbrush, show with his arm the direction of the scout, at least 8 times correct out of 10.
3) Able to establish between the map and terrain precise reports.
4) Posted in high point of a new area, able to locate this point orient the map accordingly and after a 60 min. exam to designate the names of 5 close communities, woods, isolated farms etc. (7/10)
5) Using binoculars to approach A group of scouts on station, to observe their attitudes, clothing, REMEMBER their talks, go back without noise and make a full report.
6) Keep absolutely still during 15-30 minutes facing another watcher no indication of how much time spent or left to be told.